加拿大 Sprott-Shaw 博學學院SSC 證照實習文憑課程<<點選

Sprott-Shaw College ECE assistant主要是兩個月課程. 學習營養學跟ECE英文辭彙. 通過課程之後直接由SSC煥發BC省的幼兒教師助理牌照.  

Program is considered to be an ECE bridging program and includes:

ECE Vocabulary + Presentations & Health and Safety modules


<短期觀光簽證/打工度假/寒暑期進修/不須相關工作經驗 不須申辦學生簽證>

 "Thank you for all the support, guidance and teaching you have given me as an ECE student. Now, that I have completed the program I am proud and fortunate that I chose Sprott-Shaw Community College as my campus to study and have this certificate. You all have prepared me to become an excellent Early Childhood Educator and that is what I am going to be and now that I am starting my career at my third practicum facility I am thrilled and happy to just do what I love to do! Being with the children and providing quality child care that children deserve. Once again, thank you so much for everything!"

- Mae T.

Early Childhood Educator


要在加拿大從事幼兒教育工作,通常唸的是 Early Childhood Education,簡稱 ECE,一般都是專科文憑課程。

在溫哥華有公立和私立的 college 在提供 Early Childhood Education 文憑課程,通常是兩年的課程,再加上 500 小時的實習,畢業以後就能申請 BC 省的 ECE 幼兒教育工作執照。


被錄取後,還需要提供體檢報告、無犯罪證明、幼兒的 CPR 急救訓練證書。

<學生Vivian 念ECE心得 >


多SSC學校獨家優惠 請洽~~

顧問:簡佑羽 Queenie 0933665626





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