學生: Vanessa Chou
學校: CICCC Vencouver
課程: 加拿大溫哥華  ESL 語言課程 4週

CICCC 溫華哥學校介紹<<請點選
CICCC 最新優惠價<<請點選

I studied in Cornerstone International Community College for one month. I am lucky because I met a nice teacher and classmates. I stayed in a small class; only seven people are in the classroom. My teacher’s name is Rudy. He is a responsible teacher. I like him. Why do I say that? He thinks it’s his job and he like to help students to learn English. I like his teacher’s style. Whenever he teaches us a new grammar, first step, he must explain this grammar, and then let us to practice this grammar to talk with other students. In principle, he must let us understand how to use the grammar in conversation. You can get large conversation with others in the classroom. If you like this teacher’s style, it’s suitable to you.

Now, i’ll talk about my classmates. They are very very nice. They come from Taiwan, Spain, Italy, Russia and Ecuador. Many recollections were happened on our body. I know I am realism. We often argued about different thinking and anything else in happiness situation. What you know my teacher like we do that. It’s my pleasure to meet you. Thank you, I was enjoying the party (pub) with yours at that moment. It’s spatial to me. Don’t forget we have a date next time.

文章更新日期: Jan. 11 Mon. 2016/1/11



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