* 著重於職涯發展與商業/資訊認證技術訓練
* 提供高品質教育以及高標準訓練
* 位於溫哥華市中心
* IT課程/商業管理課程/飯店觀光課程


加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te

Canadian College of Technology and Business (CCTB)


Why Study with CCTB?
加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te Great Location  位於加拿大市中心,食衣住行育樂都方便!
加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te Industry Focused  專注於職涯發展
加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te Career Success  獲得工作上的成功
加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te Growth Industried  增加產業競爭力
加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te Industry Experienced Instructors  經驗豐富的老師

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te準備履歷及求職信
加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te建立Linkedln帳號
加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te求職網路招聘會
加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te面試準備
加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of TeCo-op或實習期間協助

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te
加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te 加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te
加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te 加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


學校地址: ​101 Smithe St, Vancouver, BC V6B 4Z8



加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te

Technology Programs  科技課程<<學校官網查詢

Cybersecurity Risk Management with Co-op

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


Post-Secondary Diploma


1. Computer Systems and Server Administration
2. Introduction to Data Communication and Networking
3. Website Development
4. Introduction to Programming
5. Cybersecurity Terminology and Language
6. Introduction to Internet Programming and Web Applications
7. Introduction to Database Management Systems
8. Linux Operating Systems and Networking
9. Software Analysis and Design
10. Security Operations Centre and Asset Management
11. Cybersecurity Tools, Attacks, and Methodologies
12. Cybersecurity Logging, Events, and Incidents
13. Incident Detection with SIEM Solutions
14.Advanced Incident Detection using Threat Intelligence
15.Cybersecurity Incident Response Techniques
16.SIEM Capstone Project
17.Cybersecurity Employment Preparation

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te
Program Duration:
188 weeks (61 academic + 61 co-op + 66 scheduled breaks)

English Requirement:
TLG Level 4 / IELTS 5.5


Data Engineering and Analytics with Co-op

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


Post-Secondary Diploma


1. Information Systems Management
2. Introduction to Linux/Unix Systems Administration
3. Relational Database Design and SQL
4. Introduction to Data Structures, Design and Analysis
5. Business Analysis and System Design
6. Probability and Statistics Fundamentals
7. Statistics for Data Analysis
8. Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
9. Data Warehouse (EDW) Concepts
10. Machine Learning
11. Visual Analytics for Business Intelligence (BI) with Tableau
12. Business Intelligence (BI) with SISS, SSAS, and SRSS
13. Advanced Topics in Data Analytics: Big Data, Data Mining,Cloud Computing
14. Security and Privacy Issues in Data Analytics
15.Employment Preparation Training

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te
Program Duration:
137 weeks (45 academic + 45 co-op + 47 scheduled breaks)

English Requirement:
TLG Level 4 / IELTS 5.5


Software Quality Assurance Engineering with Co-op

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


Post-Secondary Diploma


1. Introduction to Linux Administration
2. Relational Database Design and SQL
3. Cloud Solution Architecture 1
4. Cloud Solution Architecture 2
5. Object Oriented Programming 1
6. Object Oriented Programming 2
7. Design Patterns, Data Structures and Algorithms
8. Test Automation Level 1
9. Test Automation Level 2
10. Introduction to Web Services and API Testing
11. Introduction to Web Services and API  Testing
12.Introduction to Performance Testing 
13.Information Systems Management
14. DevOps Infrastructure and Tools 1
15. DevOps Infrastructure and Tools 2
16.Employment Preparation Training


加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te
Program Duration:
137 weeks (45 academic + 45 co-op + 47 scheduled breaks)

English Requirement:
TLG Level 4 / IELTS 5.5


User Experience and Interactive Design with Co-op

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te

將發展學生作為用戶體驗和勿動設計開發分析師的能力,使能夠進入 IT 領域的不同工作角色

Post-Secondary Diploma


1. Introduction to Human-Centred Design
2. Introduction to Design PrinciplesL
3. Input and Interaction
4.User Experience: Research and Prototyping
5. Sketching, Wire framing, Prototyping and Visual Design
6. Information Design
7. Mobile User Experience Design
8. Designing, Running and Analyzing Experiments
9.Relational Database Systems and SQL
10.Front-End Web Development and Design Level 1
11.Front-End Web Development and Design Level 2
12.Business Analysis and System Design 
13.Information Visualization
14.Interactive Design Capstone Project
15.Employment Preparation Training

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te
Program Duration:
137 weeks (45 academic + 45 co-op + 47 scheduled breaks)

English Requirement:
TLG Level 4 / IELTS 5.5


Postgraduate Certificate in Security Operations Analyst with Co-op

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


Post-Graduate Certificate



1. Security Operations Centre and Asset Management

2. Cybersecurity Tools, Attacks and, Methodologies

3. Cybersecurity Logging, Events, and Incidents

4. Incident Detection with SIEM Solutions

5. Advanced Incident Detection using Threat Intelligence

6. Cybersecurity Incident Response Techniques

7. SIEM Capstone Project

8. Cybersecurity Employment Preparation

 加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te
Program Duration:

103 weeks (30 academic + 73 co-op and scheduled breaks)

English Requirement:
TLG Level 5 /IELTS 6.0


Software Quality Assurance Engineering with Practicum

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


Post-Secondary Diploma


1. Introduction to Human-Centred Design
2. Introduction to Design PrinciplesL
3. Input and Interaction
4.User Experience: Research and Prototyping
5. Sketching, Wire framing, Prototyping and Visual Design
6. Information Design
7. Mobile User Experience Design
8. Designing, Running and Analyzing Experiments
9.Relational Database Systems and SQL
10.Front-End Web Development and Design Level 1
11.Front-End Web Development and Design Level 2
12.Business Analysis and System Design 
13.Information Visualization
14.Interactive Design Capstone Project
15.Employment Preparation Training

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te
Program Duration:
58 weeks (42 academic + 10 co-op and 6 scheduled breaks)

English Requirement:
TLG Level 4 /IELTS 5.5


Full-Stack Web Development with CO-OP

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


Post-Secondary Diploma



• Building modern, interactive, and cross-platform user-interfaces

using HTML, CSS, JavaScript

• Server-side programming with Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB

• Create advanced user-interfaces and single-page applications

with React.js and Vue.js

• Relational Database Systems and SQL

• Environment management with Linux and AWS Cloud Services

• Back-end development with Python and the Django framework

• Software analysis and design

• Build orchestration and automation

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te
Program Duration:
170 weeks (52 academic + 52 co-op and 66 scheduled breaks)

English Requirement:
TLG Level 4 /IELTS 5.5


Information Systems Technology

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


Post-Secondary Diploma



  • Give you the necessary skills in implementing computer networks and how to design, build, manage, and troubleshoot local area and wide area network technologies.
  • This program will prepare students to challenge the Oracle Certified Foundations Associate exam and the CompTIA Network+ to achieve two industry certifications.

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te
Program Duration:
32 academic weeks

English Requirement:
TLG Level 4 /IELTS 5.5

Business Programs 商學課程<<學校官網查詢

Digital Marketing with Co-op

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


Post-Secondary Diploma


1. Introduction to Marketing and Branding
2. Search Engine Optimization
3. Website Building and Design for Marketers
4. Google Analytics
5. Managing Sponsored Social Media Campaigns
6. Pay Per Click Marketing with Google AdWords
7. Campaign Management and Compliance
8. Copywriting

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te

English Requirement:

  • CCTB EAP (English for Academic Purposes) Level 4

  • IELTS 5.0 score or equivalent or
  • Pass the CCTB English Assessment (Written onsite or online with exam proctor)


Business Administration with Co-op

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


Post-Secondary Diploma


1. Fundamentals of Business Communication
2. Principles of Accounting
3. Business Environment
4. Managing Financial Resources
5. Organizations and Behaviour
6. Marketing Principles
7. Business Decision Making
8. Research Project

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te

English Requirement:

  • TLG Level 3
  • IELTS 5.0


Business Management with Co-op

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


Post-Secondary Diploma


1.Fundamentals of Business Communication
2.Principles of Accounting
3. Business Environment
4. Managing Financial Resources
5. Organizations and Behaviour
6. Marketing Principles
7. Business Decision Making
11.Human Resources Management
12.Business Negotiation and Leadership
13.Business Marketing Strategies
14.The Legal Aspects of Business
15.Business Management
16.Research Project

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te
Program Duration:
133 weeks (48 academic + 48 co-op and 37 scheduled breaks)

English Requirement:
TLG Level 3 /IELTS 5.0


Business Foundations with Co-op

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


 Post-Secondary Diploma


• Knowledge of how to develop effective communication skills using office software, time management and interpersonal communication in a business environment
• Knowledge of where and how to access sources of finance for a business and decision-making process behind that
• Knowledge of individual and group behavior in organizations and the current theories and their application in managing behavior in the workplace
• Knowledge of the fundamental concepts and principles that underpin the marketing process

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te
Program Duration:

30 weeks (12 academic + 12 co-op and 6 scheduled breaks)

English Requirement:

  • TLG Level 2
  • IELTS 4.5

Hospitality Programs 飯店與觀光課程 <<學校官網查詢

Hospitality and Tourism Management with Co-op

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


Post-Secondary Diploma


1. Hospitality Career Readiness
2. Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism
3. Front Office Operations
4. Food and Beverage Operations
5. Food Sanitation, Safety and Health
6. Hospitality Accounting
7. Customer Service
8. Organizational Behavior in Hospitality Industry
9.Facilities and Maintenance Management
10.Human Resource Management
11.Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events
12.Trends and Issues in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te
Program Duration:
133 weeks (48 academic + 48 co-op and 37 scheduled breaks)

English Requirement:

  • TLG Level 3
  • IELTS 5.0


Hospitality and Tourism Administration with Co-op
飯店與觀光行政Co-op 課程

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


Post-Secondary Diploma


1. Hospitality Career Readiness
2. Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism
3. Front Office Operations
4. Food and Beverage Operations
5. Food Sanitation, Safety and Health
6. Hospitality Accounting
7. Customer Service
8. Organizational Behavior in Hospitality Industry

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te
English Requirement:

  • TLG Level 3
  • IELTS 5.0


Hospitality Operations with Co-op

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


Post-Secondary Diploma


• Knowledge of how to develop effective communication skills using office software, time management and interpersonal communication in a business environment.
• Knowledge of customer service and how to provide quality products or service that satisfies the needs/wants of a customer.
• Knowledge of the systems and procedures required for Front Desk Operations.
• Knowledge of a range of Food and Beverage production and service methods used in a variety of outlets.

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te

Program Duration:
30 weeks (12 academic + 12 co-op and 6 scheduled breaks)

English Requirement:

  • TLG Level 2
  • IELTS 4.5

Pathways 途徑<<學校官網查詢

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te

EAP學術英語 (English for Academic Purposes)<<學校官網介紹
CCTB 的學術英語 (EAP) 是一項綜合課程,將閱讀、寫作、


• 為學術閱讀、寫作、聽力和口語技能打下堅實的基礎
• 培養解決問題和批判性思維的能力
• 有效、自信地溝通
• 進行演講並積極參與課堂討論
• 了解成功的時間管理和學習技巧
• 實踐學術論文寫作結構與研究技能
• 提升詞彙與文法準確性

為什麼要在 CCTB 專案學習 EAP?
Business Foundations with Co-op課程將:

  • 無需參加雅思或託福,直接進入 CCTB/NCT 課程
  • 該課程由加拿大語言局認證的經驗豐富的教師授課
  • 將透過 CCTB 線上分班測驗對學生進行評估並安排到正確的級別
  • 有競爭力的費用和多元化獎學金

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te

加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


UniversityCanada West (UCW)<<點選查看介紹

CCTB 與加拿大西部大學 (UCW) 合作提供銜接課程,幫助學生在從我們的三個參與課程之一畢業後攻讀學士學位或 MBA。 

升讀 UCW 商業學士 (BCom) 的途徑:

• CCTBDiploma in Business Administration with Co-op的畢業生
• CCTBDiploma in Business Management with Co-op的畢業生
•CCTBDiploma in Digital Marketing with Co-op的畢業生

升學 UCW 商業傳播文學學士學位 (BABC) 的途徑:

• CCTBDiploma in Business Administration with Co-op 的畢業生

進入 UCW MBA 預科課程的途徑:

• CCTBDiploma in Business Administration with Co-op的畢業生

Vancouver Community College (VCC)<<點選查看介紹
加拿大技術與商業學院 (CCTB) 與溫哥華社區學院 (VCC) 合作,將提供從 CCTB 資訊系統技術文憑到 VCC 電腦系統技術 (CST) 文憑的學術途徑。

升讀 VCC 電腦系統技術 (CST) 文憑課程的途徑:

• CCTB Information Systems Technology with Co-op的畢業生
*此轉學僅適用於首次合格、首次錄取的基礎上,每次入學的名額有限,轉入 VCC 計算機系統技術文憑課程的學生還必須滿足 VCC 的入學要求。




加拿大 溫哥華 Canadian College of Te


University Canada West (UCW) 加西大學介紹<<請點選
Vancouver Community College VCC 公立技職 溫哥華社區學院介紹<<請點選



VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(點選國旗看優惠,看學校VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(
VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程( VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程( VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程( VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程( VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程( VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程( VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(
加 拿 大 美 國 日 本 英 國 愛 爾 蘭 澳 洲 紐 西 蘭


VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(點選填寫諮詢單


SEC 協益國際教育中心

VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(【 總  公  司 】   VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(02-8201-3839
VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(新北市新莊區民安路100號2樓(新蘆線-捷運丹鳳站2號出口)
VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(【台北松江服務處】   VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(02-2502-5757
VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(台北市中山區南京東路二段150號2樓 (捷運松江南京站五號出口)
VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(【台中勤美服務處】   VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(04-2305-8589
VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(台中市西區公益路155巷9號7樓 (草悟道市民廣場公車站下車)

VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(  VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(  VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(  VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(  VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(   VanWest College 商業管理Co-op文憑課程(點選圖案追蹤最新動態!

Fax: 02-2206-3066 |Email: info@secenter.com.tw
Line: @sec888



SEC 全部加拿大學生心得分享及代辦推薦<點選>【NCT PPP】加拿大多倫多TSoM x 公立學院Niag

【NCT PPP】加拿大多倫多TSoM x 公立學院Niag 加拿大遊學為何選擇 SEC?

1) 台灣擁有三間辦公室,加拿大設有正式公司及資深加拿大顧問協助學員,台灣加拿大兩地服務。
2) 顧問皆為10年以上服務年資,親切、專業,全公司顧問皆可為您服務。
3) 您不再需要上網找資料,接收錯誤訊息,SEC將給您最新最準確的留遊學資訊。
4) 專業簽證辦理,簽證文件只需要提供電子檔,10年以上經驗的SEC專業簽證團隊幫您審查、送件。
5) 當地手機電話在台辦理並且開通,出發前就辦好當地號碼

6) 免費當地單趟接機 (溫哥華/多倫多/維多利亞/卡加利/蒙特婁/愛德華王子島)
7) 免費國際學生證ISIC,SEC新莊總公司為新北市開卡中心
8) 第一手資訊FB專屬社團,提供就業機會、生活情報和退稅辦理等重要訊息
9) 加拿大當地保險在台辦理,出發前拿到保險卡,當地就醫有保障 <guardme 保險介紹>
10) 協助預約加拿大當地銀行開戶服務 (須符合身分)。
11) 提供最優惠的學費價格和獎學金

12) 最優惠的Homestay住宿安排 (溫哥華/多倫多/卡加利)
13) 出發前詳細行前說明會,親身經歷分享給學生 (大約1.5小時,包含從機場路線到食衣住行生活資訊)
14) 永續服務的精神,十年來千名學員的見證、推薦!提供學生貼心、親切的服務,後續服務最得學生肯定 <學生心得點選>
15) 中天綜合台 獨家專訪 <出國隱形小幫手


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